Why You Should Break-Up With Sugar
Updated: Jul 30, 2019
Ahhh Sugar. Delightfully sweet... and oh so dangerous!
Most people don't think of sugar as dangerous, yet this sweet treat can be the base cause to a whole host of physical ailments.
Choose wisely
First, let me clarify sugar. I am referring to the refined sugars, such as high fructose corn syrup, refined cane sugar, and it's sneaky sister "brown sugar" (which is really just white sugar with "caramel" coloring.) Before I lay down some sad sugar facts, I will say this - anyone looking to lose excess weight, improve health, increase mental clarity, and/or overcome addictions - stop eating the sugars listed above right now! This can take some vigilant work in awareness. Many commercial foods and condiments have sugar added - so you must become familiar with reading labels and choosing wisely. Even better is to make your own meals from 100% pure and natural whole foods ingredients.
Go for fruit
All you lovers of the sweets may be wondering what you can eat to get that oh-so-wonderful sweet taste that so many of us adore. Choose fruit first! Fruit contains healthy sugars that do not promote disease or imbalance in a healthy person. You also could use the zero-sugar all-natural sweeteners - monk fruit, erythritol, and stevia. Each of these are made from plants, have zero sugar calories, and prevent tooth decay. Raw honey, maple syrup, and coconut sugars are definitely healthier than refined sugars, yet they still have plenty of sugar calories, spike blood sugar, can contribute to dental decay, feed candida and parasites, and can inhibit healing in certain individuals. Unfortunately Agave Nectar is a highly refined product and should be put in the category of refined white sugar or HFCS.
Sugar and Cancer
Sugar can contribute to the growth of cancer. Insulin is one of the key hormones in regulating this sort of growth. Having constantly elevated insulin levels (a consequence of sugar consumption) can contribute to cancer .
Metabolic problems associated with sugar consumption are a known driver of Inflammation, another potential cause of cancer.
Multiple studies show that people who eat a lot of sugar are at a much higher risk of getting cancer.
Sugar and Obesity
Due to its effects on hormones and the brain, sugar has unique fat-promoting effects.
High-fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) contributes to fat deposits in your liver, increasing buildup of lipoproteins and leads to plaque buildup and narrowing of blood vessels.
Several studies show that High-fructose Corn Syrup causes characteristics of obesity in rats: increased body weight, body fat and triglyceride levels.
Most HFCS is made from Genetically Modified Corn. GMO's have been proven to contribute to cancer and other potentially deadly diseases.
20 Reasons not to consume Refined Sugars and HFCS
Feeds candida overgrowth
Promotes wrinkling and aging skin
Makes your blood acidic
Can lead to osteoporosis
Rots your teeth
Raises your blood sugar level
Contributes to obesity and weight gain
Is addictive (almost as much as drugs)
Provides 'empty calories' with no nutritional value
Contributes to diabetes
Robs your body of minerals
Contributes to heart problems
Can contribute to growth of cancer
Contributes to ulcers
Can cause gallstones
Contributes to adrenal fatigue
Can suppress your immune system
Weakens eyesight
Sugar can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels).
Can cause arthritis
Take the challenge
Are you ready to try being sugar-free? Are you ready to take the challenge? Try starting with one week of no sugar. Observe how you feel throughout the week. Try some new recipes. Experiment with Stevia and Monk Fruit as replacements for sugar. Stock up on fruit. Make a smoothie instead of grabbing a soda. Have a banana instead of a brownie. Once you reach your one-week goal perhaps you will feel so good that you want to go for 30 days no sugar. I have been sugar-free for nearly 20 years and I don’t feel like I am missing out nor do I crave sugar like I once did. This idea of cutting sugar from our diets has been the conceptual fuel for many diet plans, such as the Keto, Paleo, and Atkins diets. You don’t have to sign-up for any special diet or program to test out being sugar-free. Just give it a try and see how you feel. You may start liking how you feel without sugar in your body so much that you make it a lifestyle.
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